Dun and Bradstreet evaluation survey

let us take over the burden of technology in your business so you can focus on growth and development;

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Preventive maintenance for your computer network including the servers crucial for business continuity. If any malware or virus infects the system and the network stops working at the same time work in your office stops and the business stops functioning . Just like humans care for their health and visit doctors for check ups, also computer systems have to be inspected and supervised which is called preventive maintenance.

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AlfeNet provides IT support for midsize and small businesses in New York City. At AlfeNet, not only do we help organizations run a more efficient business, but also help businesses achieve greater value from IT. We do this by developing objectives and providing technology that companies need. We believe that technology can help introduce new, revolutionary solutions for business without interrupting or destroying ongoing operations. Our solutions are always in line with cost and quality expectations.

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Business and technology go hand in hand. To keep up with the constantly changing computer world, have your office always up and running on the newest and fastest equipment and be in compliance with increasingly complex regulations you need a reliable IT consulting company. AlfeNet Consulting with over 15 years of experience in business and technology will work alongside your team and help you address all the challenges. We have worked over the years with companies focusing around various fields (legal, medical, educational, art, construction, among many other) with 100% client satisfaction.

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Our strength is latest technology and an extensive experience in data recovery services. Data Recovery is our daily routine. We offer professional Hard Drive Data Recovery and recovery of hard drive failure including read/write operations head crashes, electronic board damage vibration or drop damage.

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In strong relationship with Cisco AlfeNet installs and repairs telephony systems for easier and better communication

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Using hosted services is a logical and common way of keeping your data safe. If you want to ensure uninterrupted and continuous service and make certain your data is not lost with crashing computers or more serious disasters, you want to store it outside of your office or house. When hosting your information on a distant server you can access it anytime and freely administer it.

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Because we want to provide our clients with uninterrupted service and protect data we offer hosting solutions for your confidential information

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AlfeNet Consulting offers a rainbow of IT services for small and medium size companies in Brooklyn and vicinity. We have customers turning to us with various existing problems or seeking preventive plans to proactively avoid outages and breakage of equipment. In all the cases we always respond promptly and eagerly help out businesses grow through wise IT solutions.

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