Government Public Sector2022-04-27T18:32:00-04:00
GSA Contract summary:

gsa contract holder logo

  • GSA Contract Number: GS35F376GA

  • CAGE Code: 6JL26

  • DUNS Number: 781349159

  • Contract Period : April 16, 2017 through April 16, 2027

  • 718-609-6242

  • Mon – Fri. 9:00AM – 5:30PM EST

  • AlfeNet Consulting, inc.
    1011 Manhattan Ave
    Brooklyn, NY 11222

  • 718-609-6242

  • Mon – Fri. 9.00AM – 5.30PM

GSA-logoAlfeNet Consulting is GSA Contract holder.

Contract Summary Document
Duns Number : 781349159
Contract Number : GS35F376GA
CAGE Code: 6JL26

Schedule 70
Contract Period : April 15, 2017 through April 14, 2022


Vendor Shipping Instruction for MIL-STD-1292018-04-27T16:21:26-04:00

Checklist for Identification & Bar code marking on Unit packs and Intermediate containers.

marking information on unit packs and intermediate containers. Check blocks to confirm order.
___ 1. NSN/NATO stock number. If no NSN is assigned, then this line may be omitted.
___ 2. CAGE code.
___ 3. Part Number. The letters “PN” or “P/N” shall be used to identify this information. If the item has no PN assigned to it or if no PN is cited, then nothing is shown.
___ 4. Item description or nomenclature. The exact name and description of an item as it appears in the contract, purchase order or requisition shall be shown.
___ 5. Quantity and UI. A nondefinitive UI shall be accompanied by a quantitative expression such as “1 RO (100 FT).”
___ 6. Contract number or purchase order number (Procurement Instrument Identification Number (PIIN)) including four-digit delivery order or call number, modification for change order number. The in-the-clear contract number will include the dashes as shown in the contract, i.e., DAAB07-96-C-1234.
___ 7. Military preservation method and date of unit preservation (e.g., “M41-4/02” – method 41, in April 2002). If a military preservation method doesn’t apply, the method space will be left blank. If a preservation date doesn’t apply, the pack date will be shown.
___ 8. Shelf-life markings, (if applicable)
___ 9. Serial number(s). When an item is assigned a serial number, that number shall be applied and preceded by the abbreviation “.
Order of Markings
********Check blocks to confirm order*********
1. NSN/NATO stock number. If no NSN is assigned, then this line may be omitted
2. CAGE code
3. Part Number. The letters “PN” or “P/N” shall be used to identify this information. If the item has no PN assigned to it or if no PN is cited, then nothing is shown
4. Item description or nomenclature. The exact name and description of an item as it appears in the contract, purchase order or requisition shall be shown
5. Quantity and UI. A non-definitive UI shall be accompanied by a quantitative expression such as “1 RO (100 FT)”
6. Contract number or purchase order number (Procurement Instrument Identification Number (PIIN)) including four-digit delivery order or call number, modification for change order number. The in-the-clear contract number will include the dashes as shown in the contract, i.e., DAAB07-96-C-1234
7. Military preservation method and date of unit preservation (e.g., “M41-4/02” – method 41, in April 2002). If a military preservation method doesn’t apply, the method space will be left blank. If a preservation date doesn’t apply, the pack date will be shown
8. Shelf-life markings, (if applicable – see 5.2.1)
9. Serial number(s). When an item is assigned a serial number, that number shall be applied and preceded by the abbreviation “SER NO“
10. Bar code markings – NSN & CAGE, if required 2D (PDF 417) & serial no. (see MIL-STD-129, paragraph 4.4 & Figure 18).
FIGURE 1: Example of Unit Pack and Intermediate Container ID Markings
(including an example of bar code markings)
NOTE: See MIL-STD-129, paragraph 4.1. – 4.1.1 for details

What is GSA TAA Complaint product?2019-03-26T19:18:00-04:00

Trade Agreements Act (TAA) Compliance

The Trade Agreements Act (TAA) is the enabling statute that implements numerous multilateral and bilateral international trade agreements and other trade initiatives. The TAA applies to all GSA Schedule contracts unless otherwise stated in the solicitation or contract. The TAA limits the country of origin for products sold through your schedule contract, in general, this means the following may be sold:

  1. Articles that are wholly the growth, product, or manufacture of the U.S. or a designated country, or
  2. Articles that are “substantially transformed” in the U.S. or a designated country into a new and different article of commerce with a name, character, or use distinct from that of the article or articles from which it was transformed.

For services, country of origin is determined by the country in which firm providing the services is established. Please refer to the TAA clause in your contract for complete details, including relevant definitions and the list of designated countries.

Remember that it is the responsibility of each Schedule vendor to ensure that product information is accurately incorporated into the contract and displayed on GSA Advantage!® throughout the life of the contract. It is a good practice to periodically review the country of origin of products offered on your GSA contract, as manufacturers sometimes change their manufacturing points. If you determine that a product country or origin has changed, the following directions can assist you in updating GSA Advantage!.

For contractors not eligible for FPT:

  • For products that are no longer TAA compliant, submit a modification request to delete the product from your contract and submit a revised pricelist via SIP or EDI,
  • For products that list an inaccurate country of origin but are TAA compliant, submit a revised pricelist via SIP or EDI with the correct country of origin.

For contractors eligible for FPT:

  • For products that are no longer TAA compliant, submit a “Deletions – Delete Product(s)” modification request to delete the product from your contract and your GSA Advantage! listing will be automatically updated.
  • For products that list an inaccurate country of origin but are TAA compliant, submit a “Catalog Pricing” modification update your GSA Advantage! listing.

For more information about the TAA, refer to clause 52.225-5 Trade Agreements.

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